Your Smart Teaching Companion

Revolutionize your teaching experience with our comprehensive AI-powered tools

📝 Research Paper Assistant

Generate research paper outlines, citations, and formatting assistance
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✍️ Essay Outline Generator

Create structured essay outlines with thesis statements and supporting points
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📋 Next Paragraph Generator

AI-powered suggestions for your next paragraph based on context
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🔄 Rewrite & Rephrase

Improve text clarity and avoid plagiarism with AI rephrasing
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❓ Quiz Generator

Create custom quizzes with various question types and automatic grading
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📊 Student Progress Tracker

Monitor and analyze student performance with detailed insights
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📧 Email Assistant

Generate professional emails for students, parents, and colleagues
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🎯 Goalbook

Set and track learning objectives aligned with educational standards
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📝 Gradescope

Streamline grading with AI-assisted rubric creation and feedback
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